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Our nonprofit initiative, designed to bring the reading revolution that is Books Save Lives, is solely funded by the generous outpouring of our benefactors. Every dollar received goes solely to furthering our cause and enriching the communities where we bring our methods to improve reading and engagement.

Where does your money go? Simple.

We use donations and support to seed reading libraries for classrooms, community centers, and homes around the country. Books are the tools and weapons against systemic illiteracy. Books are our primary cost.

We also use donations to cover travel expenses for Daphne when she brings the VISCERAL Method to communities of need. We strive to keep travel costs to the bare minimum, thereby ensuring that every possible penny reaches our communities in the form of books.


While Books Save Lives is a nonprofit that relies on the volunteerism of our members, as we grow we hope to be able to afford to pay full-time staff to further our reach across America.


In short, your generous donations allow Books Save Lives to bring our mission and methodology to the world, one learner at a time. 


Thank you for considering giving to our worthy cause. 


All donations are tax deductible.   

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